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  • Writer's pictureShane

Brave Little Monster

I'm a brave little monster

But one thing I dread—

At night, there's a kid

Up on top of my bed.

Mom says kids aren't real,

That it's all in my head.

Perhaps she should come

And sleep in here instead.

I can hear that kid breathing

All during the night.

Sometimes I hear growling

That fills me with fright.

I've heard kids are hornless,

And not very hairy,

With only two eyeballs—

Now that's pretty scary!

Some have metal teeth

That they grind with their jaws,

While others have glitter

And paint on their claws!

Dad says I'm a wimp,

And it's all in my head.

Perhaps he should come

And get eaten instead.

I'm a brave little monster,

But one thing I dread

Is that darn creepy kid

That's on top of my bed.

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