Disclaimer: If this offends you, lighten up! I am well aware this is not accurate in all cases. Heck, that's not even the point of this thing. It's just light hearted satire... so there.
Mom: the one who went through nine long months of pain and misery to give birth to us.
Dad: the one who didn't, but still gets half the credit.
Mom: the one who held us, fed us and changed our diapers.
Dad: the one who held, us fed us and then gave us back to Mom.
Mom: the one who woke up in the middle of the night, calmed us down and stayed with us until we were asleep.
Dad: the other one that woke up.
Mom: the one who took us for peaceful walks in our strollers.
Dad: the one who popped wheelies.
Mom: the one who bathed us when we needed to be bathed.
Dad: the one bought the washcloths.
Mom: the one who washed our clothes.
Dad: the one who helped us get them dirty.
Mom: the one who tucked us into bed.
Dad: the one who was already in his.
Mom: the one who washed dishes her whole life.
Dad: the one who mowed the lawn until we were old enough to do it.
Mom: the one who told us not to fight.
Dad: the one who told us not to fight in the house.
Mom: the one that told us to dream big dreams.
Dad: the one that told us we forget 90% of our dreams when we wake up.
Mom: the one that waited up for us.
Dad: the one that waited up for us if there was a game on.
Mom: the one who would always give us money.
Dad: the one that would give us money on special occasions and when we found his loose change under the cushions.
Mom: the one who cooked us dinner.
Dad: the one that ordered pizza.
Mom: the one that taught us not to waste our time.
Dad: the one that taught us how to throw a spiral.
Mom: the one that laughed at our jokes.
Dad: the one that laughed at his.
Mom: the one that comforted us when we were crying.
Dad: the reason we were crying in the first place.